Recruiting Gen Z - what is important for Gen Z in their career choice?

Interview_1.jpgThey are the largest generation in the world. A truly digital generation, who seem to have very different expectations when looking for a job, compared to their Millennial predecessors.

Gen Z is entering the workforce during a global talent shortage. The competition for top talent is greater than ever and attracting new candidates is challenging. They come to seek new opportunities in the aftermath of a worldwide pandemic, during which the recruiting processes and employment procedures were shaken to the core.

The future of work depends on attracting and supporting Gen Z and their career aspirations. So what are their characteristics and what is really important to them when it comes to their career choice?

Gen Z characteristics

Generation Z term (Zoomers) refers to those born between 1996 and 2012. The oldest members are now 25 years of age. They grew up in a digital world and surrounded by evolving technologies. They learn fast and they are able to adapt to new environments and processes extremely well. Change doesn’t faze them. They are diverse and socially aware. And they want to make a difference!

Attracting Gen Z talent

It is quite simple … If you want to attract Gen Z talent, you need to speak their language.

Superb online presence

Most of the Zoomers start evaluating your company long before they apply for the job. They will browse your website & observe your social media to decide whether this will be the right workplace for them. Keeping the website up to speed and communicating positive company culture through social media channels can definitely help to attract potential candidates to your business.

 High-tech recruiting process

Gen Z candidates expect no less than a streamlined online hiring process. They won’t submit their application if it is not easy and if your system is outdated. They expect your business to have the latest high-tech platforms implemented throughout, including the recruitment process. Yes, you are appealing to digital natives.

 Personalised communication

Connecting with Zoomers is about listening, understanding their personalities and what is important to them and finding the right fit for them in your organization. So update the job descriptions to include what is important to them. Don’t be afraid of being different when it comes to applying marketing strategies to your recruitment process. Show the potential candidates who you are, what your company culture is about and how they can make a difference within your organization, potentially to the community.

Influencers & referrals

Gen Z relies on influencers, peers, referrals and testimonials when considering a potential employer. So let your network do the work for you. Invite your contacts and your current team members to share your open positions through their social media. There is not an easier way to spread the message, with LinkedIn dominating the global business network space. Ask your current employees for testimonials and publish them on your website and social media. This will provide a very authentic view of your company culture to current job seekers. 

What matters to Gen Z in their workplace

Diversity, equality & inclusion

They are part of the most ethnically diverse generation. Zoomers have been brought up in multicultural environments, they are used to travelling to different parts of the world and enjoy meeting new people and experiencing new cultures. They embrace individuality and they want to work for an organization where diversity, equality and inclusion are supported and celebrated.

Positive work culture

Are your employees happy? While salary still appears to be one of the most important factors in accepting the job, Generation Z looks beyond that. If they don’t like the environment they work in, if they don’t feel valued and supported, they are very quick in quitting the job and looking for a better environment. So use all your marketing channels to communicate a positive work culture and the benefits your organization offers to the employees. The companies that stand out these days are those who embrace their employees as part of their success and empower them to make a difference in society.


Yes, Generation Z seeks flexibility when it comes to their work. But it doesn’t need to be all about the remote workplace or flexible working hours, which became almost a norm in certain fields during the pandemic. An important part of that comes back to a personalised approach. Many of the Zoomers put high-value on flexibility when it comes to changing roles within the organization. They are young, they want to grow, acquire new skills, experience different roles, and find out what their passion really is along this process. That is something that your company can also benefit from. Embrace that your employees want to learn new skills. They are a generation that easily adapts, use that to your advantage.

Career growth

Having opportunities to learn and grow is what keeps Zoomers loyal to their employers. Implement initiatives through your organisation to support their growth. Training and reskilling programs are a perfect start, which can be supported by one-on-one mentoring from their peers. Invest in mentoring software and learning portals and provide them with the tools that they can use to expand their skills. They are young and they like to be challenged, so create an environment where they can grow and blossom.

Mental health support

Amidst geopolitical and economic instability, Gen Z employees face immense challenges to their mental health and well-being. Studies suggest that young generations suffer increased levels of stress and anxiety. Working in foreign environments or away from their family and friends can put even more pressure on young individuals. Innovative companies are recognizing that and they are putting structures and resources in place, including empathetic leadership, to support their employees’ mental wellbeing. It is important to Zoomers to know that their health and wellbeing is put first.

Providing leadership for Gen Z

Gen Z is looking for meaningful work. They see their career more like a journey, throughout which they want to learn, meet interesting people, experience different cultures, and grow as a person. They look for good mentors who will guide them through this journey.

Based on their values, the senior management need to take a more relaxed and individual approach and focus on embracing their individuality. Supporting collaboration will definitely go a long way rather than providing directives.

Zoomers value opportunities for professional development with the aim of landing their dream job in the shortest time possible. They are excited about the future and want to make a difference. So give them a challenge … (and a bit of Millennial guidance) …  and see their talents shine!