Tips for becoming more confident during a job interview

Interview_rightsize.jpgFirstly, congratulations! You have been selected amongst the other applicants and rewarded a time with an HR manager or recruiter. And that is your first success, something to be proud of and confident about already!

Just breathe and think about it for a second. Something in your resume must have impressed them. Or there was something in your cover letter that they connected with and they want to know more about you! So, take advantage of that and approach the interview with confidence, ready to strike a deal.

Here are a few tips on how you can prepare yourself for an interview to feel more relaxed and confident:

  1. Dress appropriately, put make-up on, brush your teeth, do your hair, wear your favourite jewellery … think about the interview like it is a first date. You definitely don’t want to look flirty, but you do want to make a good first impression. So maybe do some research and figure out the dress code of the company where you are applying for the job, and make sure your outfit matches the company’s culture. At the end of the day, it will be a human on the other side of a conference call, who is going to assess you. And if they like what they see, it will be pleasant for them to talk to you for longer and to get to know a bit more about you.
  2. Do your research and come prepared. It is always flattering for recruiters or company directors when you show an honest interest in their organisation. They will definitely appreciate it if you spend time to get to know the background of the company and the environment. It will also show that it is important for you to work for an organization, which aligns with your core values & morals. And what is key here … knowledge empowers! If you know what you are talking about, you will definitely come across more confident.
  3. Pre-test the communication app being used for the video interview. If you can’t get the connection to work, you might not get a second chance. So ask your friend to download the same app and test the connection well before you go ‘live’. If you can’t attend the scheduled interview for some reason, let the recruiter know by giving as much notice as you can. It is easy to reschedule in advance, a lot harder to get a second chance usually. And these days databases are global, and everyone is using more or less the same platforms, so you don’t want to risk your professional reputation, it is just not worth it.
  4. Practice your answers beforehand. Out loud. Prepare to answer the most common interview questions. And don’t be shy to be creative with your answers. No recruiter likes to hear the same answer over and over again. Think about it, be unique. Have some fun stories to tell, of course related to the position you are applying for. Appropriate jokes are a perfect ‘ice breaker’ when it comes to meeting people for the first time, whether it is in a social environment or during a job interview. Ask your family members or a friend to listen to your prepared answers. Ask them a question why they believe you deserve the job. Hearing their thoughts and reasons might not only help you to see the strengths in yourself that you may have not considered to mention during the interview. It can also be a perfect pep-talk for your ears, just what you need before the interview starts!
  5. Immerse yourself in positivity. Imagine yourself succeeding, before you press that green button on the call or camera. You wouldn’t have been invited for the interview if you weren’t being seriously considered as a candidate for the position. So, envisage yourself in that role and get ready to tell the recruiters what value you can bring to their organisation and why they should choose you.


Camera, action.

  1. Greet the recruiter with a smile & make eye contact. Engage with an interviewer from the first moment. Natural eye contact will definitely make you come across more confident.

Being engaged and present during an interview will not only show your self-confidence but you will also leave an impression that you are genuinely interested in the job and the organization.

  1. Aim to connect, rather than impress. Leave it for all the other candidates to try to impress the interviewer. Instead focus on building a connection with the recruiter. Tell them how passionate you are about delivering a superb job. Talk about your inner motivation, rather than your qualifications. They have read all that information in your CV already and there will probably be other candidates with similar qualifications. Focus on standing out from the crowd, coming across friendly and personable. Recruiters are looking for people who will be positive and happy in their organisation. So approach the interview as a friendly conversation, take time to understand the role, the company culture and if you’d enjoy spending all that time a week in their workplace.
  2. Respond thoughtfully. Don’t forget to ask questions. Take a deep breath before answering each question and take your time. Try to speak slowly and keep your tone sincere. Don’t be shy to respond by “That is a good question. Let me think about that for a second”. Communicate clearly. Make sure you fully understand the question and ask for further clarification if needed. Asking intelligent questions is a sign of confidence and shows genuine interest. So never say ‘No’ when the recruiter asks if you have any questions at the end of the interview. Show your interest in the role and the organization.

And last but not least, remember that Life is a confidence game! … and so is the job interview process!

We hope that our tips above will help you to feel more comfortable in your skin and will help boosting your confidence. And just remember, if you made it this far reading our blog, you are probably doing more to prepare yourself for an interview then the majority of applicants out there. So go and nail it!

Good luck with scoring your dream job ?